Press Release: WHFF.TV Broadcast and Media Launches the Un-Ideal Parent Series

 Press Release: WHFF.TV Broadcast and Media Launches the Un-Ideal Parent

Un-Ideal Parenting Series

2 Seasons


Here at and [⁠With Healthy Families First]⁠, our goal is providing conscious efforts and tips to improve communication with siblings, parents and children.

⁠Dr. Rachel Levitch helps parents and clients understand the root of psychological exams. During her lessons- she offers communication strategies during assessments, scales and measures that reflect feelings and emotions and allow parents to undergo psychological practice tests with results.


Dr. Levitch improves destructive and troubled parents. Allowing oneself to envision themselves through new lens. Her talks and principles help adults rediscover their trauma and triggers in effective ways. And at the same note, help rejuvenate the promotions of good psychological parental-health and operative communication, parenting styles and discover.

Look for season two where we look into Family Communication with various models and theories.  


Visit our ⁠Shaping Your Own Future Firm for parents

Press Release  WHFF.TV Broadcast and Media Launches the Un-Ideal Parent

Un-Ideal Parenting Series
2 Seasons
Here at and [⁠With Healthy Families First]⁠, our goal is providing conscious efforts and tips to improve communication with siblings, parents and children.
⁠Dr. Rachel Levitch helps parents and clients understand the root of psychological exams. During her lessons- she offers communication strategies during assessments, scales and measures that reflect feelings and emotions and allow parents to undergo psychological practice tests with results.
Dr. Levitch improves destructive and troubled parents. Allowing oneself to envision themselves through new lens. Her talks and principles help adults rediscover their trauma and triggers in effective ways. And at the same note, help rejuvenate the promotions of good psychological parental-health and operative communication, parenting styles and discover.
Look for season two where we look into Family Communication with various models and theories.  
Visit our ⁠family at


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