Toxic Ties: Did You Remember You Were A Golf Champ-3?

 Toxic Ties: Did You Remember You Were A Golf Champ?

Let me just address this separately because it really doesn't go with Part 1 or Part 2 of the post. I want to make one point at a time. So for those of you who are following and really care about the process here is the point I wanted to make as a side note in PART I & PART II:

Toxic Ties: Did You Remember You Were A Golf Champ?

Walk away! I decided - and have never regretted - to walk away. My mental health - not walking away from my children - but for any reason he had to see me, impact my mental state, or manipulate further truth. - And those that watch are his flying monkeys that have invested their time and emotions into my history and his past - so they'll do anything to disprove me. Not because they know I am right, but they've invested time and effort in believing.  They invested emotional support, what they call 'prayer' and ultmately noone wants to believe they've been played the fool. All that energy just to be manipulated and wrong.  Don't look for a fool's apology: they'll double down, troll you, look for what's not there and then just lie. And even if they did try and tell the truth 1) can they fix the smear campaign, 2) can they undo the gossip, and 3) can they "un" do the hostility when your children asked innocent questions about you? Nope!! It's easier for flying monkeys to cower-down and continue to support the offender and stand with them.  For the longterm.


 Needless to state, I'll go with the judges assessment when these busy-bodies that showed up to someone’s divorce- my divorce hearing: "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR STICKING YOUR NOSE IN SOMEONE ELSE'S MARRIAGE."


For me; a past victim and great mom: when you're tired of being someone's bad guy - you'll do anything for your freedom. I am dedicating a series on mental health and how abusers hide behind your diagnosis and manipulate your resources, your disability, your monthly finances to profit whatever: and they really don’t care what it costs:

I experienced financial abuse, earning almost 400k in scholarships and school loans to support us, emotional abuse while on heavy medication, exploitation of my diagnosis and I had TWO SUICIDE attempts, various sexually transmitted diseases that almost cost my third child his life inside the womb. Here is the best part: I got documents!!! These are ways to support and help you with what you may be experiencing and going through.


There was a goal of this person that I had to reconcile and so many doctors and therapists finally drilled it in. Insurance policy. If I killed myself..... we'll be as deviant as it sounds it is my theory and my therapist theory. I needed wholeness and to be HERE; alive and well to see them through life. But not like this. It wasn't going to happen until every excuse for a failed human being was no longer blamed on me. I am gitty with expression and what the future brings to share this story.

Source: Allen Hill

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