Episode 5: When Parenting Advice Is Not Enough

Episode 5: When Parenting Advice Is Not Enough

When Parenting Advice Is Not Enough

Series Episode 5 @WHFF

Parents really need help doing it right.  And just as you thought that statement was confusing: legislators have decided to chime in PER STATE.  Meaning the privacy of your home isn't what it used to be: there are regulations and stipulations. With the new impact in legislation your family cannot afford to get it wrong.


Topple that with the ideal "American" parent.  The self-governing "in everyone's perspective" you have to be perfect.  and imperfection means "you're doing it wrong."  With the anxiety of being the perfect American parent comes insecurities, hidden traumatic events, products to buy, behavioral health services, and the recurring theme that you're just not enough. 


Learn tools of great mental healh in an instant of a moment as it floods in and out of your thought process.  How then can you effecitvely parent a child or children that may be going through there own meltdown.

Reference: chic jeans commercial 

Reference: Google Scholar for healthy parenting

Reference: apple bottom jeans for black women 

About the Cognitive Institute of Dallas: CID in collaboration with WHFF is committed to regular everyday styles of "do it better" when it comes to children and parental rights. 

About the Family Firm 

Families are made up of different relationships and emotional connections within those relationships. Within a family system, the bonds between family members affect children's emotional development. What is an enmeshed family? Enmeshment is a trait of family dysfunction that involves poorly defined or nonexistent boundaries and unhealthy relationship patterns Learn words, touch, and create safe spaces; especially when you are NOT primary custodial.


Allen Hill

Generation Thirty Publishing 

+1 800-932-5004


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